
What's new ?

8.06.2024 /

Gastronomic adventure

Chef Philip Schube-Coquereau has concocted a gourmet menu for guests staying at the Auberge du Lièvre in 2024. Discover this original Menu featuring local products and ...Read more

12.12.2023 /

Biosphere Certification

Duvetnor has just been awarded the Biosphere certificate for having demonstrated compliance with actions of Biosphere Sustainable. Aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030 by the United ...Read more

10.09.2021 /

Last chance !

Four cottages are still available for rent in September: Chalet de l’Anse – 13-17 September (max 5 pers.): 980$ - 20% Chalet le Chipeau – 14-18 September (max 6 pers.): 1580$ - 20% Chalet le Bécasseau – 20-24 ...Read more